"Learn to tell time" Free Printable

When I have an idea for something I want to make for my kids (or myself), I troll the internet to see if I can find a free printable, tutorial, or something else that will make the project faster and easier. This time, it didn't exist. Lots of paper clock faces, but nothing cute that matched what I had in mind...

Here it is! Look below for your free printable. I also made some extra clock hands that I'm going to stick on to the clock face with velcro, so we can take this off the wall and let my son practice telling time.

The clock was $1.99 at IKEA (style is "RUSCH"). I wanted something with readable numbers and dots for each of the minutes. And cheap. It's for a kids' room.  :)

  1. Download the PDF file here.
  2. Print the PDF on your printer, using card stock. (If your printer chops off one of the edges, re-print, this time selecting the "shrink to fit" or "fit to page" option in the print window.)
  3. Roughly cut out the circles.
  4. Tape or glue each circle to the back of your clock. I had to bend part of the circle behind the edge of the clock, because the back of the clock isn't flat.
  5. These would also work well simply taped to the wall around the clock.


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